Saturday, April 24, 2010

In the last month..

Due to an overwhelming demand for a new post (not!), I decided I should write again.

In the last month...

  • Noah has turned 6 months!
  • I have been working very hard on my new-found hobby of cake decorating
  • We have gone to Oklahoma to see Randy's family
  • I have done a Compassion Sunday in my youth group (post about that coming soon!)
  • I have been reunited with an old friend
  • I have cried, laughed, rejoiced, and smiled when thinking about MAPS this past year
  • We figured out that Noah has some allergy issues (ugh)
  • And Randy got a new beautiful guitar!!
So to be honest, not a very exciting month but very busy, nonetheless.

Ok, so look at these:
Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!, right?

Yep, they're from Randy. The most anti-romantic man I know bought me these gorgeous roses. What a total sweetie, right? Yeah, I was shocked to say the least. Not only those, but also my favorite kind of expensive baked lay's, my favorite juice, and my favorite candy.. and a sweet sweet card to match. Yep, Randy truly knows that the way to my heart is through my stomach!! ;) He's such a great guy. Not just because he got me these things, but because he is a man of God. He is always seeking God's will for our lives and striving to be a better Christian, husband, and father. Don't get me wrong, he is still far from perfect, I would just like to give him the credit that he deserves. Needless to say, I love my husband! :)

Is this the face of one happy kid or what? Ah, I love my little bub. He is definitely a momma's boy! And that's how it should be. Unless I really need to get something done, then he needs to want and need somebody else! But seriously, this is how he is most of the time. Unless he's tired, then he's like a whoooooooole 'nother baby. Yikes! He is such a sweetie.. he's truly stolen my heart. He's a lady's man... already trying to kiss all over the girls in the nursery. Maybe we need to have a talk! He just has a great disposition and falls in love with even complete strangers (I guess that could be considered a good OR bad thing!). I know it sounds like I'm bragging (and believe me, I am!) but what mom shouldn't want to brag about her kids? Some days he drives me crazy, but at the end of the day.. he's still my bubs and I love him so. I can't wait to see what God has planned for him!

Pictures by the GREAT and FABULOUS Famie West coming soon... :)

I guess that will be all for now. A more light-hearted post this time, because next time I'll be slamming you with something pretty intense!